Now that Comcast internet has been activated, I've been thinking - we have three data lines to the outside world:
- Comcast for high-speed internet and basic cable TV. No phone line. We're supposed to get 50 Mb/s down and 25 Mb/s up, but I haven't seen anything above 25 down and 10 up so far. Still, that's a pretty screaming speed compared to what I was getting in college. For the first year, we're paying $50/month.
- Brianna's iPhone is tagging along on a T-Mobile family plan with unlimited everything for $40/month.
- Brian's Moto X Android phone is with Republic Wireless, a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) that resells Sprint's service. The phone offloads voice calls, texts and data onto WiFi whenever possible, allowing Republic Wireless to charge less. Unlimited everything for $30/month.
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