I am so blessed to be loved and supported not only with my blood relatives, but with everyone in my life including people at work. I didn't really realize how much work it takes to grow a new person and it is much easier with all the support and love that I receive. Betsy and Megan did a great job decorating, planning and executing the party. Thank you for all the gifts, love and support.
I got to wear a little pink Lincoln hat and there were these awesome paper top hats everywhere.
Onesies and bibs were decorated
Some were super funny, some had advice, two were super cute, and one identified the value of punctuation!
Lets eat Mom
Lets eat, Mom
I tried to take a panorama but only seemed to get my face and the fireplace... It was a room full of fun stories and laughter. My favorite game was guessing my belly size with yarn. Everyone guessed and the winner was the closest. I way over estimated how much room Lincoln has created in my stomach... somehow my mom (who deals with pregnant women all the time) was about half an inch off and won!
Note the cute top hat on my mom
I love the top hat on a the traditional Chinese statue and on Brian & mine's wedding picture, together we are making a Lincoln!
The group was full of family, some old friend, and some of my mom's friends. Baby showers were very hard for me to attend before I got pregnant because I longed to start a family so deeply. This one was super fun and relaxed.
Once the baby shower was over, I got to go on a walk with Megan and Torsten. He was very happy to fall asleep in his bassinet stroller. My brother and Megan made a super cute kid. He likes to jump on his cousin every time I hold him. He is just getting ready to play with him when he comes out. I can't wait to see how they interact.
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